If You Want to Lose Weight fast, STOP Eating These 9 Fruits with substitute

 If You Want to Lose Weight, STOP Eating These9 Fruits Fruit, generally is considered a beneficial food which provides nutrients and fiber to our diet.

 However, consuming certain fruits that contain high levels of sugar when you are striving for weight loss can thwart your efforts.

When high levels of sugar hit the bloodstream,its potential energy is intercepted by insulin that stores the sugar as glycogen.

 When the sugar is stored, your body thinksyou need to eat more and you feel hungry.

 If this cycle repeats, over time the storedsugar transforms into fat, and you gain weight.

 In this article we will be sharing with you9 fruits you must not eat if you want to lose weight FAST.

 1) Banana Probably, banana is one among the wonder fruits for weight gain. Banana is a high-calorie fruit that helps in weight gain because its calorie count is higher than many other fruits.

 Bananas are fairly high in sugar which canturn to body fat more quickly than other nutrients.

 Apart from this, banana will help to improveyour haemoglobin production.

 Banana is a good and effective option forpeople who want to gain weight with healthy calories not for people who want to loss it. So, if you want to lose weight, avoid banana.

2) Watermelon Watermelon seems like a healthy fruit. It may appear to contain mostly water and fiber.

However, the sugar content of watermelon ismuch higher than most fruits. Its glycemic score is 72, which is considered high on the glycemic index scale.

 If you want to lose weight, avoid the high-sugarfruit by making a fruit salad with oranges, strawberries and pears that have scores in the low 40s.

 The energy from these fruits lasts longer,which may help you avoid consuming extra calories.

3) Pineapple It may not be surprising that pineapple is high in sugar because it tastes very sweet.

 The glycemic index for pineapple is 66, considered moderate to high.

 If you crave a sweet fruit, try eating a peach instead. Peaches have a score of only 42 on the glycemic scale, and when ripe, their sweet and refreshing flavor may be equally as satisfying.

 Apples may also be a preferable substitute. Most varieties have a glycemic score in themid 40s.

4) Lychee Lychee berries from China is a high-sugar fruit. The lychee berry is a tropical fruit from Southern China that has a high glycemic score in the 70s.

 A comparable substitute for lychee berries may be the black cherry. Black cherries score low on the glycemic scale-- their score is 22. Cherries make a convenient snack and a tasty addition to a smoothie or fresh juice concoction .

 You may also try pink grape fruit that hasa glycemic score of only 25.

5) Avocados It figures that one of the most delicious fruits is also high in fats and therefore calories.

 One cup of pureed avocado contains 384 calories!

 However, the fat found in avocados is the heart-friendly kind that your body needs, so eating an avocado every now and then won'twreck your diet.

Avocado is a high calorie food and it will increase your weight. So avoid eating them daily if you are on adiet.

 But it's best not to consider this tasty ingredientas an "anytime" food because it helps your body putting more weight.

6) Mashed sweet potatoes While we all certainly love sweet potatoes,they're definitely not the lowest-calorie vegetable around.

 A cup of mashed sweet potatoes contains 249calories.

 A regular potato, skin and all, contains 212,and a cup of lima beans contains 202.

Potatoes are fat free, but they are also starchy carbohydrates with little protein.

 According to Harvard Study, the carbs in potatoes are the kind that the body digests rapidly and have a high glycemic load (or glycemicindex).

 That is, they cause blood sugar and insulin to surge and then dip. This effect can make people feel hungry againsoon after eating, which may lead to overeating.

 The rapid rise in blood sugar can also lead to increased insulin production which can probably increase your weight.

 You can blame starches! A cup of leafy green veggies like lettuce,spinach and kale contains less than 20 calories. That means load up on the healthy salads!

7) Vegetable juice blends While it might be difficult to get your required fruit and veggie intake every day, it's a better plan than relying on vegetable juice blends.

 Many of the vegetable juices that taste like fruit juice contain way more salt or sugar than you need.

While you'll be getting your daily fruit andveggie intake, you'll also be drinking your entire day's worth of sodium! Be sure to read the ingredient list when buying veggie juice.

8)Mangoes Being the king of fruits, mango has the power to increase weight when consumed regularly.

 One medium sized mango has approximately 150calories, which means if you eat two medium sized mangoes you consume approximately 300calories.

In India, people usually like to have mangoes after meals.

 So, when you add mangoes to your diet it meansyou are adding calories without substituting them with something else from your diet. These additional calories can lead to weightgain.

 Mango is rich in nutrient content and calories,thereby providing your double benefit.

 Prefer organic mango because most of the commercially available ones contain harmful pesticides.

9) Dates Dried dates contain the highest sugar content of any fruit. The fruit weighs in at a glycemic score of103.

 Dates contain more sugar than pure glucose,which has a glycemic score of 100.

Dates are typically found mixed with granolain cereal and in dessert bars. Dried dates are a powerhouse of vitamins andminerals that can help you gain good health.

 But if you are on the lookout for weight loss you must avoid it.

 Try substituting dates with dried apricotsor raisins that have glycemic index in the high 50s.

 The score of these fruits is considered moderate rather than high and they provide healthy fiber and nutrients.

 We’re very sorry if one of the fruits mentioned in this article is your favorite snack but you see, losing weight is all about saying No to some meals and fruits you truly love.

I hope you will definitely benefit from this article.
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